It is common to use the DefineFont tag in order to create an array of shapes later re-used to draw strings of text on the screen. Note that the definition of the shape within a font is limited since it can't include any specific fill and/or line style. Also, each shape is assumed to be defined within a 1024x1024 square. This square is called the EM Square. Fig 1. below shows you the EM Square and how it is used. The characters baseline can be placed anywhere within the EM Square (it certainly can be outside too if you wish?!?).
The file header is found at the very beginning of the file. It should be used to determine whether a file is an SWF file or not. Also, it contains information about the frame size, the speed at which is should be played and the version (determining the tags and actions possibly used in the file).
The f_magic[3] array is defined as the characters: 'FWS' (it is going backward probably because it was supposed to be read in a little endian as a long word). A movie can be compressed when the version is set to 6 or more. In this case, the magic characters are: 'CWS'.
The f_version ...
At the very beginning, a company created the SWF format to generate small vector animations on the Internet called Shockwave Flash (hence the name of the format, SWF.) It also included images. This company was bought by Macromedia around 1997 (if I recall properly). This is when Flash v3 was created. Since then, Macromedia created a new version about once a year up to version 8. At that time (in 2005/2006), Macromedia sealed a deal with Adobe which wanted to use the SWF format in their PDF files.
Today (May 1st, 2008), the SWF format is available for free to all.
There was ...
It happens that a column in your main display look too wide. Say you use three columns, one may be real large and two are the normal size (1/3rd of the screen.)
In general this happens because you have a URL in one of your description. (If the URL is in the title, I strongly advice that you move it to the description.) Then the description shows up as wide as that URL. Long URLs will have a real bad effect making the column much wider.
There are two ways to solve the problem:
CuteMenu has no global settings under the Administer » Site configuration. Instead, the settings are localized in the block and the menu items.
Have you ever thought that it would be great to write one document including all the translations in a single file? Outside of the fact that this makes the document relatively large, it makes the translation really fast, the translator can see the sentence in all the other languages and translate from that. I actually wrote an HTML test file with two styles. One is named English and the other is named Français. And since a style entry can depend on the currently selected language, you can write style entries that get hidden when on or the other language is selected. So, if you ...
We are proud to announce that Order Made!® now has its very own site. We have been working on it for the past two months and we are sure you will like it!
With Order Made!® patrons place their food orders Online for pre-order, pickup, or delivery. And best of all, as the restaurant owner, you do not even need to have a computer!
The new site is full of information about Order Made!® such as available features and how it works. It also includes an easy to use registration form and the restaurant owner log in screen (the one you use to manage your restaurant online.)
Please, feel ...
I think I'm like just about everyone else. I have the work 'me' and the play 'me'. Only difference is, the two once merged, and what was born was Turn Watcher.
I have played in D&D campaigns for many years, but never thought of running my own campaign until I got a very unusual present for my 40th birthday — the Dungeon Master's Guide. I started reading the book and was hooked. How fun I thought it would be to create encounters and intriguing situations and worlds for my players. It wasn't until I ran my first game that I realized that it would take more ...