Made to Order Software Corporation Logo


Table of Contents Known Issues

Various known issues with the Table of Contents module.

Teaser appear, FCKeditor accentuated letters,  Back to top arrow, Filters interaction (JavaScript removal,) headers numbering, double numbering...

To Do Views


Go to Administer » Site building » Modules and click on To Do Views to install the Views extension for the To Do module.

This module requires the installation of the 3rd party Views module.

SimpleMenu Known Issues

SimpleMenu Disappears

There following are a few of the main reasons why SimpleMenu disappears.

Pop-up Windows

By default, SimpleMenu wants to hide itself in pop-up windows. This is a feature.

The reason is that many websites will open pop-up windows for all kinds of extra-features such as uploading an image or printing some description of an image or the definition of a word or product.

These windows should not include the SimpleMenu bar.

There is a dedicated page giving several different ways to fix this problem on your website.

Menu Overflow

Long menu going out of screen vertically and horizontally.Very long menus will disappear on the

Handling of Pop-up Windows by SimpleMenu


By default, SimpleMenu is not shown on pop-up windows. There is a flag in the SimpleMenu settings that can be unchecked to avoid this side effect. The pop-up capability is often detected when you open a new tab from the current window. It will depend on the browser and the link being clicked1.

Quick Fix

When the menu is only used by the administrators, it is possible to simply open a new tab and copy and paste the URL from the existing window with the missing menu to the ...

  • 1. We are trying to ameliorate the code, but it is not easy to make it work properly 100% of the time.

Help for To Do List End Users


To Do List Help IconThis page documents the usage of the To Do List module to end users (i.e. not how to install and setup the module, but how to create To Do List items, share them, mark them started/finished, etc.)

For administrative information check out the To Do List module help.

To Do List Global Settings

Global Settings

Global settings are found under Administer » Site configuration » To do list (admin/settings/to_do).

Only To Do List administrators can edit the Global Settings.

To Do List Permissions


Once installed the module offers several permissions under Administer » User management » Permissions (admin/user/permissions). These are include permissions similar to the Node permissions and some others. All the permissions are explained below.

Additional permission granularity can be obtained with the use of other modules as defined in the Extend To Do List.

Version 1.3 and newer

Known issue

The permission functions properly, no issue in that regard. However, the name of the permissions should be using "to_do" with an underscore to be 100% compatible

Insert Node Parameter: cckteaser (6-1.3)

The CCK parameter let you insert one of your CCK field in full. This parameter, cckteaser, let you insert the teaser of your CCK field.

This feature uses the teaser flag of the CCK module in order to insert the teaser data. This means only the field_<name> fields make the distinction between cck=... and cckteaser=..., the other fields simply ignores the difference.

For more information on the CCK field names that are supported, check the Insert Node Parameter: cck (6-1.2) page.



Note that the parameter value ends with a semi-colon! Do not include quotes

Insert Node Parameter: repeat (6-1.2) [no content]

The repeat keyword is used to repeat the filtering on the data just inserted. This is particularly useful with the asterisk name or on nodes that do not otherwise include a format that transforms the tags included in themselves.

This let you create nodes that are like macros.

Note that the macro can itself include a repeat in one of its Insert Node tags.1

  • 1. As far as I can tell, this will not create recursive calls, however, if you have a problem with a macro using repeat, try to remove the keyword to see if that solves the problem. If so, let me know by

Insert Node Parameter: plain (6-1.2) [no content]

The plain keyword is used to avoid having the content being inserted put inside a tag. By default, the content is inserted inside a <span> or a <div> tag (<span> is used if the output does not include <div>, <p> and other such tags.)

Although one could overload the theme_InsertNode_node() theme function, it is at times practical to be able to use both methods.

The plain keyword does not otherwise generate any output.

This keyword primary use is for adding CCK parameters inside HTML code as proposed by one of our users (see here):

  <input ...