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Wait For Frame

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
unsigned short    f_frame;
unsigned char     f_skip;
Action Length: 
3 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
Action Operation: 
if(_root.get_frame() >= f_frame) {
  // execute f_skip bytes of actions
else {
  // ignore f_skip bytes of actions
  pc += f_skip;
Action Flash Version: 

Wait until the frame specified in f_frame is fully loaded to execute actions right after this one. Otherwise skip the specified number of actions. This is most often used with a Goto Frame like in:

Next Frame
Wait for Frame #10
  (otherwise skip 1 action)
Goto Frame #5

This will usually be used to display some


info before the complete movie is loaded.

SWF Internal Functions

Since Flash version 5, you can use internal functions (really member functions or methods of internal objects.) These functions are always available. These methods are called using the Call Function action with the name of the object and function separated by a period. A few of these internal functions are duplicates of some direct action script instructions. In general, it is preferred to use these internal functions rather than the direct action. However, direct actions are a good way to optimize your ActionScript code.

Similarly, you can access internal constants (really variable ...

Call Function

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 1 (s), pop 1 (i), pop i2 (a), push 1 (a)
Action Operation: 
s1 := pop();
i2 := pop();
for(idx := 3; idx < i2 + 3; ++idx) {
  aidx = pop();
r := call s1(a3, a4, a5...a(i2+2));
Action Flash Version: 

Pops one string that represents the name of the function to call, pop one integer indicating the number of arguments following, pop each argument, call the named function, push the result of the function on the stack. There is always a result1.

  • 1. When nothing is returned by the function, the result undefined is pushed on the stack.


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

An edit text enables the end users to enter text in a Flash window.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_defineedittext {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 37 */
	unsigned short		f_edit_id;
	swf_rect		f_rect;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_text : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_word_wrap : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_multiline : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_password : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_readonly : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_color : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_max_length : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_font : 1;
	if(version >= 6) {
		unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 1;
		unsigned		f_edit_auto_size : 1;
	else {
		unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 2;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_layout : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_no_select : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_border : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_html : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_use_outlines : 1;
	if(f_edit_has_font) {
		unsigned short		f_edit_font_id_ref;
		unsigned short		f_edit_font_height;
	if(f_edit_has_color) {
		swf_rgba		f_edit_color;
	if(f_edit_has_max_length) {
		unsigned short		f_edit_max_length;
	if(f_edit_has_layout) {
		unsigned char		f_edit_align;
		unsigned short		f_edit_left_margin;
		unsigned short		f_edit_right_margin;
		signed short		f_edit_indent;
		signed short		f_edit_leading;
	string			f_edit_variable_name;
	if(f_edit_has_text) {
		string			f_edit_initial_text;

Additional interactivity has been added in V4.0 of the SWF format. This is given by the use of edit boxes offering the end users a way to enter text as if the SWF movie was in fact an interactive form.

The text is defined in a variable (accessible in action scripts). It can be dynamically assigned and retrieved. It is legal to have an empty string as the variable name (not dynamically accessible).

Since version 8, the text drawn by a DefineEditText tag can be tweaked by adding a CSMTextSettings tag.

The f_edit_word_wrap flag will be set to true (1) in order to have words going beyond the ...


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Declares an animated character. This is similar to a shape with a display list so the character can be changing on its own over time.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_definesprite {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 39 */
	unsigned short		f_sprite_id;
	unsigned short		f_frame_count;
	...			<data>;
	swf_tag			f_end;

A sprite is a set of SWF tags defining an animated object which can then be used as a simple object. A sprite cannot contain another sprite. hHowever, you can use PlaceObject2 to place a sprite in another.

The following are the tags accepted in a Sprite:


The data array of tags should always be terminated by an End tag though this can be inferred some players may not support a non-terminated list.

In order ...

Appendix B — History of the SSWF reference

Dec 2, 2009

Moved the monolithic documentation to a multi-page hierarchical document that includes everything we had before plus many links, many terms attached to all pages (tags, English words.) And revision of most of the text for better English and clarification in some places.

Strengthen the formatting with CCK fields so all declarations look alike.

Broken up the actions from one large table to a set of pages.

Dec 14, 2008

Started work on the Load() feature of the SSWF library. This helped fixing several small mistakes in the documentation.

May 18, 2008

Fixed the ...

The SSWF Project

The SWF Reference by Alexis is part of the free SSWF project.

This documentation is intended for people who want to program a Flash player, editor, or some similar tool handling Flash data.

The project comes with a complete C++ library that is designed to greatly simplify the generation and loading of Flash files.

End (action)

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
Action Operation: 
Action Flash Version: 
See Also: 

End a record of actions. There are no valid instances where this action is optional.

The End action itself as no meaning other than marking the end of the list of actions. Yet, if reached, the execution of the script ends and is considered complete.


We have completely switched to Drupal!

Made to Order Software is proud to announce a complete switch-over of our main site to Drupal! With this switch we are introducing new features which we hope will make your visit to our site more enjoyable. cool


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Information about a previously defined font. Includes the font style, a map and the font name.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_definefontinfo {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 13 or 62 */
	unsigned short		f_font_info_id_ref;
	unsigned char		f_font_info_name_length;
	unsigned char		f_font_info_name[f_name_length];
	if(version >= 7 && f_tag.f_tag == DefineFontInfo2) {
		unsigned		f_font_info_reserved : 2;
		unsigned		f_font_info_small_text : 1;
		unsigned		f_font_info_reserved : 2;
	else if(version >= 6 && f_tag.f_tag == DefineFontInfo2) {
		unsigned		f_font_info_reserved : 5;
	else {
		unsigned		f_font_info_reserved : 2;
		unsigned		f_font_info_unicode : 1;
		unsigned		f_font_info_shiftjis : 1;
		unsigned		f_font_info_ansii : 1;
	unsigned		f_font_info_italic : 1;
	unsigned		f_font_info_bold : 1;
	unsigned		f_font_info_wide : 1;	/* always 1 in v6.x+ */
	if(version >= 6 && f_tag.f_tag == DefineFontInfo2) {
		unsigned char		f_font_info_language;
	if(f_font_info_wide) {
		unsigned short		f_font_info_map[f_font_glyphs_count];
	else {
		unsigned char		f_font_info_map[f_font_glyphs_count];

A DefineFontInfo tag will be used to complete the definition of a DefineFont tag. It uses the exact same identifier (f_font_info_id_ref = f_font_id). You must have the corresponding font definition appearing before the DefineFontInfo since it will use the number of glyphs defined in the DefineFont to know the size of the map definition in the DefineFontInfo tag.

When it looks like it perfectly matches an existing system font, the plugin may use that system font (as long as no rotation is used, it will work fine.) It is also possible to force the use of the system font by declaring an empty ...