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Stop Drag

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
Action Operation: 
Action Flash Version: 
See Also: 

Stop the current drag operation. If this action is run when no drag operation is in effect, it has no effect.

To start a drag operation, use the Start Drag action.

Integral Part

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 1 (n), push 1 (n)
Action Operation: 
n1 := pop();
r := floor(n1);
Action Flash Version: 
See Also: 

Pop one value, transform it into an integer, and push the result back on the stack.

The popped value can already be an integer in which case this instruction has no effect.

Other similar features are available in the Math object.


SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
string   f_url;
string   f_target;
Action Length: 
-1 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
Action Operation: 
Action Flash Version: 

Load the specified URL in the specified target window.

When the target is set as "_level0", the current SWF file is replaced by the file specified in the f_url field. The name in the f_url field should be a proper SWF file or the area will simply become black.

When the target is set as "_level1", something special is supposed to happen. I still don't know what it is...
Also the effect of _level1 + an empty URL is ... (to remove level1?)


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Define scale factors for a window, a button, or other similar objects.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_definescalinggrid {
	swf_tag				f_tag;		/* 78 */
	unsigned short			f_button_id_ref;
	swf_rect			f_rect;

This definition is used so the scaling factors applied on an object affects only the center of the object fully. The borders are only affected in one direction and the corners are not scaled (note, restrictions apply, see below.) This is quite useful to draw a scalable button or window.

Fig 1 — Sample button being scaled with a scaling grid


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Since version 8, this tag is required and needs to be the very first tag in the movie. It is used as a way to better handle security within the Flash Player.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_fileattributes {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 69 */
	unsigned		f_reserved : 3;
	unsigned		f_has_metadata : 1;
	unsigned		f_allow_abc : 1;	/* since V9.0 */
	unsigned		f_suppress_cross_domain_caching : 1;	/* since V9.0 */
	unsigned		f_swf_relative_urls : 1;	/* since V9.0 */
	unsigned		f_use_network : 1;
	unsigned		f_reserved : 24;

The FileAttributes tag is new to version 8. It must be present in all movies version 8 and over. It must be the very first tag in the SWF movie. It should be unique (other instances will be ignored.)

The f_has_metadata flag shall be set to 1 whenever the movie includes a Metadata tag.

The f_allow_abc flag shall be set to 1 to give the player the right to execute DoABC scripts (this is a version 9 flag, in version 8, keep it set to 0.)

The f_suppress_cross_domain_caching must have some effect over the caching of some things... (version 9+)

The f_swf_relative_urls means that URLs specified ...


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Exports a list of definitions declared external so they can be used in other movies. You can in this way create one or more movies to hold a collection of objects to be reused by other movies without having to duplicate these in each movie. A single export is enough for an entire movie (and you should have just one).

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_export {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 56 */
	unsigned short		f_count;
	swf_external		f_symbol[f_count];

The Export tag works in conjunction with the Import and Import2 tags. The Export tag gives a list of definitions made visible to the external world. Thus these definitions are in effect available to be imported by other movies.

Appendix A — The geometry in SWF — Images

When appropriate, images can also be included in SWF files. All the images can be full color and also have an alpha channel.

Appendix A — The geometry in SWF — Edges

Edges are used to define a shape vector based and also coordinates where images need to be drawn. The edges are always coordinates from where ever your last point was to where ever you want the next point to be (a little like a turtle in LOGO).

SWF Zone Array (swf_zone_array)

SWF Structure Info
Tag Flash Version: 
SWF Structure: 
struct swf_zone_array {
	unsigned char		f_zone_count;		/* always 2 in V8.0 */
	swf_zone_data		f_zone_data[f_zone_count];
	/* I inverted the bits below, but I'm not too sure what is correct, do you know? */
	unsigned		f_reserved : 6;
	unsigned		f_zone_y : 1;		/* probably always 1 in V8.0 */
	unsigned		f_zone_x : 1;		/* probably always 1 in V8.0 */

An array of alignment zones defines hints about glyphs defined in a DefineFont3.

The f_zone_count specifies how many zones are defined in a zone array. In version 8 of SWF, the count must be set to 2.

The f_zone_data is an array of zones, each defining a position and a size.

SWF Envelope (swf_envelope)

SWF Structure Info
Tag Flash Version: 
SWF Structure: 
struct swf_envelope {
	unsigned long		f_position;
	unsigned short		f_volume_left;
	unsigned short		f_volume_right;

When playing back a sound effect it is possible to modulate the sound to generate different effects (such as a fade in and out). The following defines the stereo volume of the sound.

The position is always given as if the sample data was defined with a rate of 44,100 bytes per seconds. For instance, the sample number 1 in a sound effect with a sample rate of 5.5K is given as position 8 in the envelope. All of these positions should be within the f_in_point and f_out_point.