sswf::Action | Holds an action |
sswf::ActionBranch | An action to change the execution pointer |
sswf::ActionCallFrame | Change the SWF pointer to the specified frame |
sswf::ActionDictionary | Create a dictionary action |
sswf::ActionDictionary::string_t | Holds one dictionary string |
sswf::ActionFunction | The action to hold an ActionScript function |
sswf::ActionFunction::parameter_t | Hold the parameters name and register number |
sswf::ActionGoto | A goto action to change the current frame |
sswf::ActionLabel | Create a label in an action script |
sswf::ActionPushData | The PushData action adds data on the ActionScript stack |
sswf::ActionPushData::action_immediate_t | One data entry of a PushData action |
sswf::ActionSetTarget | This class is used to define the sprite on which the actions apply |
sswf::ActionStoreRegister | Store the top stack value in a register |
sswf::ActionStrictMode | This action is used to define the current scripting mode |
sswf::ActionTry | This action encompasses the Try, Catch and Finally actions |
sswf::ActionURL | Go to a static or dynamic URL |
sswf::ActionWaitForFrame | Create an action used to wait for a frame to be loaded |
sswf::ActionWith | Block including variable member names refering to the With object |
sswf::BlendMode | The mode used to render the object on the screen |
sswf::Buffer | Linked list of memory buffers for easy memory management |
sswf::Buffer::mem_buffer_t | Hold the magic and a pointer to the actual buffer |
sswf::Color | A small object to hold an SWF color |
sswf::ColorTransform | The simple color transform of a TagPlace tag |
sswf::Data | Buffer object used to save the SWF movie |
sswf::Data::DataLimit | |
sswf::Edges | List of coordinates to draw shapes |
sswf::Edges::array_edge_t | One set of edges; when full, allocate another |
sswf::Edges::edge_t | The basic structure used to hold the coordinates of an edge |
sswf::Envelope | An array of volumes for a sound effect |
sswf::ErrorManager | This class helps the user to know what errors occur in the library |
sswf::ErrorManager::ErrorHandler | A sub-class to derive from to receive errors |
sswf::ErrorManager::InternalErrorException | Class defined to throw exceptions in the library |
sswf::ErrorManager::OutOfBoundsErrorException | |
sswf::Event | Used to declare the events a button or place object support |
sswf::Event::event_names_t | Internal structure used to save event name names and their corresponding bits |
sswf::Event::key_names_t | This is an internal structure used to list keys and their code |
sswf::ItemBase | This class is used to derive from |
sswf::Matrix | The position matrix |
sswf::Matrix::signed_matrix_t | Matrix of longs; used to compute the matrix to be saved in the movie |
sswf::MemBuffer | A type of smart pointer used to manage memory buffers |
sswf::MemoryManager | A garbage collector manager |
sswf::SoundInfo | Information about out to playback a sound effect |
sswf::SRectangle | The SWF rectangle |
sswf::State | The state a button will react to |
sswf::Style | Defines the style of a shape |
sswf::TagBase | The base of all the tags |
sswf::TagBaseID | The base of all the tags with an ID |
sswf::TagBinaryData | Binary data reusable by the ActionScripts |
sswf::TagButton | Create an active area |
sswf::TagCSMTextSettings | Defines extraneous settings for text tags |
sswf::TagDoAction | This tag hold an ActionScript |
sswf::TagEditText | Defines a dynamic edit text box |
sswf::TagEnd | Mark the end of a list of tags |
sswf::TagExport | The object used to export objects to another movie |
sswf::TagExport::export_t | One export entry with the identifier of the object to export and the export name |
sswf::TagFont | Define a system or embedded font |
sswf::TagFont::font_glyph_t | Structure used to represent a glyph |
sswf::TagFont::font_info_t | Structure used to handle one glyph information |
sswf::TagFont::font_kern_t | Structure used to define one kern entry |
sswf::TagFrameLabel | Defines a label (name) for a frame |
sswf::TagHeader | The header or root of the SWF movie |
sswf::TagHeader::Factory | |
sswf::TagImage | The image class in SWF |
sswf::TagImage::image_t | Defines a bitmap |
sswf::TagImport | Import a set of object defined in another movie |
sswf::TagImport::import_t | Defines each imported object identifier, name and type |
sswf::TagInfo | An attempt in creating a TagInfo |
sswf::TagMetadata | The description of the SWF animation in humain language |
sswf::TagPlace | Tag used to place (or remove) an object in the display list |
sswf::TagProductInfo | Information about the software creating the output animation |
sswf::TagProtect | Mark the movie as protected |
sswf::TagRemove | Remove an object from the display list |
sswf::TagScalingGrid | Defines a grid to scale windows, buttons and other objects with edges |
sswf::TagSceneFrameData | Raw data for your scene and frame |
sswf::TagScriptLimits | Defines the limits to the script interpreter |
sswf::TagSetBackgroundColor | Set the background color of the movie |
sswf::TagSetTabIndex | Set the tab key index for objects |
sswf::TagShape | Defines an SWF shape |
sswf::TagShape::save_info_t | Holds information used to save a shape |
sswf::TagShape::shape_edges_t | The set of edges: line and curve segments |
sswf::TagShape::shape_record_t | Records to separate different sets of styles |
sswf::TagShape::shape_setup_t | The set of setup: fill, line and move |
sswf::TagShape::shape_what_t | A base class to define edges and setup information |
sswf::TagShowFrame | Tag marking the limit between each frame |
sswf::TagSound | Declare a sound |
sswf::TagSound::sound_wave_t | Defines an MP3 sound wave (format, channels, rate, alignment, etc.) |
sswf::TagSprite | Group shapes, sprites, texts, buttons, sound, etc |
sswf::TagStartSound | Class used to start/stop a sound |
sswf::TagText | Enter a label (text string) in an SWF file |
sswf::TagText::text_define_t | Structure used to memories the type of definition |
sswf::TagText::text_entry_t | Structure representing a text entry (an actual string) |
sswf::TagText::text_setup_t | Structure representing a text setup |
sswf::Vectors | Manages an array of pointers to other objects |
SSWF_JPG_DESTINATION | Structure definition for the destination buffer of a JPG image |
SSWF_JPG_ERROR | Structure used to read a JPG image |
SSWF_JPG_SOURCE | Structure definition for the source buffer of a JPG image |